
Showing posts from June, 2020

Persian Style Carpets of India|| Gwalior Carpets

Introduction: World History of Carpets Carpets origin is still considered mysterious but, surely, raddling forms of floor covering clothes are present since Neolithic age (Around 7000BC). We have numbers of different mysterious stories and clues for the evolution of carpets. One of the oldest and best-referring documentary is “The Little Brown Guide to Carpets” by Enza Milanesi. In this book, she gave two theories. In her first theory, she mentioned that “ It is believed that Carpets were invented by the nomadic people to protect them from the adverse climatic changes and maybe there was no direct contact with the ground but ultimately in last those highly knotted cloths started using for covering their ground and sometimes their huts too. It is documented that “Persian style of carpet weaving started in Iran then Persia. In chines text, the shreds of evidence of Persian carpets, during the ruling period of Sassanid dynasty (224-641AD) and we considered it as the first and